Mindfulness, Singularity & Purpose of Life Guided Meditation


In this meditation you will be guided to merge with the galactic energy of space, allowing the stars to feed you light as you take an inner journey to discover the purpose of your life.


This guided meditation is inspired by my YouTube Membership book club where we are reading an Autobiography of a Yogi. Paramahansa Yogananda speaks about aligning with the Cosmic Beloved, so here you will be merging with the galactic energy of space, allowing the stars to feed you light as you take an inner journey to discover the purpose of your life. You will be working with “mind-full-ness’ techniques as well as monotasking on a singular topic to reach the divine answer f the purpose of your life.

I have asked Yogananda to be with each and every one of us as we listen to the recording. I hope you will have an experience with him. As with any guided meditation, do your best with listening and not jumping ahead, and anytime you fall away from the words, gently guide yourself back to the sound of my voice and pick up where you left off.