Shannon Maley

Shannon Maley

Spiritual Media Guru
Instagram TheHoldingAsheville YouTube

With over 20 years of experience as a heart-centered leader, it is this awareness and a recognition of the profound impact that we have on each other in both our personal and professional lives, that has inspired Shannon to assist others to achieve balance and alignment of mind, body, and spirit. Using a combination of intuition, astrology and tarot offering her readings, coaching, and consulting sessions, Shannon empowers others to embrace their whole energetic selves to achieve their highest goals and live joyful and rewarding lives.

Shannon is passionate about leading a supportive community of experienced and knowledgeable practitioners at the virtual Center for Love & Light, where all who seek growth, awareness-expanding education, and joy are welcomed and empowered. She holds space for those who are on their path of growth and development so that they in turn can share their gifts and light with others.

